Saturday 11 December 2010

Its truly a state of 'Nervous conditions'

Just a few weeks ago I was walking past some book shelves in my Uni's library and found my friend curled up in a ball sobbing on her final page of Tsitsi Dangaemba's amazing 'Nervous conditions', I came up to her and asked her what was wrong, and she welled up  and whispered ' Its truly a state of Nervous conditions'. Just then I knew it exactly what the problem was.because I had had these issues creep up whilst reading the similar novel. We are both in the same African literature class . The character of  'Nyasha' in the novel Nervous conditions sums up the contradictions, confusions, frustrations, desires of many 'Hybrid' children.....When I say 'Hybrid' im referring to those children of the colonial explosion...Children who are both 'Here' and 'There' so much that they struggle to place themselves somewhere. I describe this 'Nervous Condition' as a creeping force that engulfs you and causes you to question the very understanding of yourself any time you come into contact with blatant forces of these'two worlds'.  My Nervous condition kicks in when I meet my Fula relatives who I cannot communicate in ula with, It Kicks in when I meet a European person who I seem to be getting along with perfectly, but who one day casually makes a ignorant racist remarks that causes me to question the foundation of their knowledge, and my Identity in being a woman who doesn't wish to be considered 'over-sensitive'. My nervous condition kicks in when I assess whether I am being to hard on such European being s for their ignorance, it forces me to question the philosophy of my position- Uncle tomishness passivity or Martin luther civil disobidience?........ Its truly a state of Nervous conditions